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    Re: [RC] No Go Solo LONG... sorry.. - amber applegate

    Good to know, thanks.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Linda
    Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 12:06 PM
    Subject: Re: [RC] No Go Solo LONG... sorry..

       He teaches you that you can ride out a buck in most cases, but it is the spins that get you off (at least quicker).  So taking that into account you would not want to fire a gun over a horses head as you see in the old western movies because it would cause the horse to spin 180 and flee (as well as make the horse bob their head when they hear the gun click and hurt their hearing).  So... to eliminate as much of the spin as possible you would fire directly to the rear of the horse (and this would send the sound to the rear also).   But the accuracy of the shot would be low.  So ideally the shot should be taken over the right rear hindquarter, this will improve accuracy, send sound to the rear and allow for only a 45 degree spin should the horse spook.   So, if you ever do need to use that gun... turn the horse and fire towards the rear.

    Excellent advise. I would also like to hear his method of how to properly shoot off a horse.

    [RC] No Go Solo, Scott & Dede Johnson
    Re: [RC] No Go Solo, April Johnson
    Re: [RC] No Go Solo LONG... sorry.., Linda
    Re: [RC] No Go Solo LONG... sorry.., amber applegate
    Re: [RC] No Go Solo LONG... sorry.., Linda
    Re: [RC] No Go Solo LONG... sorry.., Linda