----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 12:15
Subject: Re: Muscle on Back
Thank you Beth, I started low
jumping, flying lead changes, lateral trotting & circles, circles, &
more circles,
2 days ago. I was sore so I figured I would let
him rest yesterday, & start again tonight. I live in FL. & their are
even small hills in these here parts. It was so
funny when we started jumping a small ditch, I kept telling him what
good boy he was, & gave him a treat. He then
started to jump any little puddle we came across. WHO SAY"S HORSES ARE
Diane & her jumping Brazz
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:48
Subject: Muscle on Back
One thing you might consider looking in to is
lunging him (start slowly) with side reins that encourage him to drop his
head and round out his back. This will do amazing things for his top
line. Another thing is, I don't know your background, but if you can
get some dressage lessons (if you are not familiar with getting a horse to
"give" to the bit downward) it would help tremendously. Then you could
work on the building of his back muscles under saddle to.
It's just a suggestion. I was fortunate
enough to have 4-5 years of dressage foundation on my mare before endurance,
and although it isn't nearly as fun, wouldn't trade that foundation for the
Good luck!
Beth Bennett
Chickamauga, GA