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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:29:51 GMT 2003
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    [RC] What constitutes a start? - Rides 2 Far

    >The horse and rider line up or answer during roll call 
    > and then> the rider gets bucked off.  Is this a start?  The rider goes
    past > the start> line by a little and gets bucked off.  Is this a start?
     Should a > start beleft up to the managers discretion to allow for
    difference in rides.
    In my experience, it's been workable for a ride manager to be able to use
    their discretion *because* I have not seen a ride manager abuse the
    authority.  It is managers who abuse the privilage that make the
    additional legal speak rules necessary.  It's one thing to say, "He got
    bucked off and didn't actually start". It's another to say, "She didn't
    pass the first vet check, so she didn't start".  If I used the argument,
    "She's earned some special treatment" I'd have to give Nina Barnett a
    completion every time she pulled in the parking lot.
    By the way, I just don't get this, "To allow for the difference in rides"
    thing.  What is the difference...some follow the rules and some do
    whatever they darned well please?
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