First of THANK YOU, both, goearth &
Truman. I do not feel so bad to ask now.
This ones on bathing, as you know after
all that sweating,
he surely needs a bath. It seems to be
drying out his skin,
(especially mane & tail), as he seems
to be getting some dandruff. I have tried head in shoulders, & conditioner,
seems to actually dull his coat. I have
started to add some
flax to his feed. Beet pulp, & 10%
grain. I never give him oil, as my Vet always told me that it does not help,
it just makes things pass through a horse, so nothing fed with oil
gives them any benefit at all. I really
think it's from to much bathing. Any suggestions for this one?? I will cut
back to 3 days a week riding now instead of the 5 day's I was riding.
2 less baths may help???
& Brazz
OH, I will be looking for summer sales
now on coolers, &
Rugs!! ;)