When I got my first horse 30 years ago, I did not
have the money to hire a farrier on a regular basis. I got a couple of
books on triming and shoeing from my local tack store. Bought the tools
and started in.
At the time my theory was that if I sored the horse
I could not ride him for a few weeks. I also decided (like has been
mentioned in this thread) that I could go back and trim more later, but it was
hard to go back and trim less. Since I have a weak back, I would only trim
2 feet per horse per day. Not practical for a farrier, but works for an
In addition to what is said in the books my
guidelines are:
1. Generally, it is better to hire a
2. Regular trims are better than no
3. The books tell you to take off way to much
of the sole. Just remove the very loose stuff. It is better to
remove less tha more. Extra sole actually helps if you ride on rocks and
4. Look at your horses feet when a farrier has done
a good job. That is the angle and balence needed.
5. Use a hoof guage to get the angles the same on
both sides (much more important than actual angle), and get the angles the same
as the farrier set them. (write them down so you don't
6. Look at the feet and trim job when you are done
they have to "look right"
7. With the nippers, start from the toe and go
towards the heel. Do not take much if anything off of the heel. It
is easy to nip the quarter to far down.
8. Trim the minimum off of the frog, but if you
live in a wet area and/or have a horse that is susceptable to thrush, you have
to clean out a groove to prevent infection.
9. If you are competing hire the best farrier you
can find.
I have also replaced shoes and nails in
shoes. This is much harder than doing a trim, but can sometimes save a
ride. Anyone can tighten clinches and get another 25 to 50 miles out
of a shoe. A wise investment. Sometimes a very worn shoe can be
convinced to stay on a few more days by replacing a nail or two. File off
the clinch, use a nail puller to remove the nail, then put another IN THE SAME
HOLE, bend, cut and clinch.
I had a farrier give me a short course in nailing,
so I could add a nail when needed. Well worth the time. It takes a
feel to make the nail come out where you want it. (I have a bout a 60% success
Lost shoes can also sometimes be reset using the
existing holes and get you through a ride.
It is my experience that most women do not have
physically large enough hands to use the nippers. Quite a bit of strength
is required. That said, one of the best farriers I have seen is a
worman. If you want to do it try it and see.
Most horse people would probably be well advised to
never trim a hoof.
The one thing every horseperson should know is how
to pull a shoe that is half ripped off. Your farrier will normally be
happy to show you. He/she doesn't like to salvage a hoof ripped to shreads
by a loose shoe departing "naturally".
How to get started? If you live in a part of
the country where there is 5 months of no rides you can start by pulling and
trimming at the end of the season. Perhaps you have a retired horse to
practice on. If you trim a minimal amount no great harm will be
PS. The opinions above are mine, and I take
no responsibility if you wade in and mess up your horses feet. Trimming
can be done by non professionals, but horse feet can be messed up during the
learning process.