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    Re: [RC] Your Ride History/Pulls - Barbara McCrary

    I reviewing the exact wording of my motion, I found I had also suggested another category:  DQ, for cases such as the rider going off trail and deciding it isn't worth retracing the trail to finish.  I did that last year; missed a turn, missed the vet check, reached the finish line having done only 38 miles.  The horse was young, it was his first 50, and I was satisfied he could have done the 50 if I hadn't goofed.  There may be other applications for DQ, and they may show up over time.  Or it may be that RO will cover this very situation quite nicely.
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 8:20 AM
    Subject: Re: [RC] Your Ride History/Pulls

    Personally, I think that's a great idea. I hope the BOD did vote to approve this. I have pulled my horses a time or two AFTER they have passed the vet check because I felt there was a problem. I never felt this to be a stigma against me, but rather good judgment on my part.
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2002 8:44 PM
    Subject: Re: [RC] Your Ride History/Pulls

    At last year's mid-year board meeting, I made a motion to list the pull
    codes as follows:
    L = lame, pulled by vet
    M = metabolic, pulled by vet
    OT = overtime
    RO = rider withdrew for personal reasons relating to the rider
    RO-L = rider withdrew the horse because of lameness considerations
    RO-M = rider withdrew the horse because of metabolic considerations

    The last two were additions to the usual ones.  My feeling was that making
    the differentiation between vet disqualification and rider choice would
    relieve the stigma of having the horse DQ'd, show it was the rider's wisdom
    that prompted the withdrawal, and yet give the AERC and the vets the
    information they seek for educational purposes.  The board voted it down.  I
    still think it is a good idea, and it is the system I use on our own ride


    [RC] Your Ride History/Pulls, Rides 2 Far
    Re: [RC] Your Ride History/Pulls, Barbara McCrary
    Re: [RC] Your Ride History/Pulls, Jeanne Slominski