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    Re: [RC] How Sad - Lynne Glazer

    At 11:17 PM -0400 6/17/02, Trailrite@xxxxxxx wrote:
    In a message dated 6/17/2002 5:12:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time, rides2far@xxxxxxxx writes:

    Don't assume that just because they went
    faster they were more reckless. Granted, there are those who over do
    it...but I'll bet there were a few up there who were cruisin'.

    Don't know about other areas, but I haven't seen a horse hooked up to an
    IV in a long time.  Seems the vets have gotten better at stopping them
    before it becomes a problem.

    I have to say something to this, I'll get my mouth open for my foot later... I have to agree with Scott in some ways. I'm also sick to death watching the same riders here in PS "Go For The Win" (and this was announced at the pre-ride meeting) and end up on an IV, peeing blood, can't move because of pain, dead tired, or hauling it home Grade 2+ lame. It is becoming a real depressing feeling Ride after Ride (give or take a few completions in between). I was mad as hell about what went on at the Malibu 2002, The Tevis & last years Norco 2001, just to name a few off the top of my mind. I'm upset about the poor horses suffering ride after ride. For What? A shirt, some points...God Bless these horses, the owners sure don't!

    "the same riders go for the win"...I'm not refuting what you said, I certainly agree about the effect it has on new riders, but I have to mention that horses on IVs has NOT been a staple of the PS scene from before 2001, IMHO.

    Yes, the same riders have overridden their horses. Just not to the IV fluids-level before. Were you at Terry's New Ride? One horse treated, I believe--which belonged to a very local rider.

    We went through 3 years of the Norco ride with only a couple of Banamine shots the first year, no treatments the next two. Conditions were tougher, with increased heat last year in the 4th running, and 2 people overrode their horses for the conditions to the finish line, one of them scarily near death's door. That was 2 horses out of 150, for those not present. We had 26 pulls, with all of the LD pulls RO except for 2 metabolic. 50 milers were split almost evenly between lameness, metabolic, RO, and 2 lacerations (other). All of the ROs were real ROs, not RO-L, RO-M, etc.

    I wasn't at Malibu, so I can't comment--sounds like the weather was the major factor.

    I would rather see a horse on an IV if the vet thinks it is appropriate supportive therapy, than doing nothing. If my horse wasn't drinking the night before or during the ride and got dehydrated, I would pull, hopefully, before the point that a vet recommended fluids, for instance.

    None of us want to lose our sport. Rude riders, those who ignore ride rules (like the ones who hosed off their horses at the vet check in a drought area, while the rangers told them not to), those who enter underage horses, as well as those who ride 'em like they don't matter--they're all threats to the sport.

    Tell you what, that "trainer" from Malibu would do well to continue to stay away from the Norco ride...as well as the one from Burbank. Rule 15 on NRR ride flyers, which go out as soon as I buy enough postage, reads "Unsportsmanlike conduct is subject to disqualification", just like last year's entry rule...

    As long as we're ranting here--what drives me batty is the folks who *race* the ride, going for the win--that pull out of camp a couple hours after the ride, for a 3 hr plus ride home. I've confronted a couple of people about that, one answer was, "I *gave* her two hours rest!" (after winning the ride.) I think a lot of folks have dodged a bullet on those actions.


    P.S. vis a vis the flyers, anyone who's ever done NRR will get an entry automatically, as well as those who have requested flyers since last year's ride.

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    Re: [RC] How Sad, Trailrite