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    [RC] completion/pull record - Laura Hayes

    ANGIE wrote <<Since the rider/horse histories have been on line I have enjoyed looking
    up people's history just to get a little grasp of what they're like.  If
    I look up a rider who gives lots of advice on RC, but see they have a
    very high pull ratio my respect for their advice drops and I'll take what
    they say with a grain of salt.  I care about my pull ratio and may
    actually choose not to start a ride to protect it.  For instance, when I
    pulled at Biltmore this spring with a sound horse it really bothered me
    that I had to add another pull to his record.>>>>
    I agree, Angie.  I am extremely proud of the fact that I have completed over 60 rides and have one pull listed (mind you, some of my rides where in years when they did not require pulls to be listed - I have a few more)  It lends credibility to a person's record, IMHO.
    This is not to say that I would not pull if I felt my horse were in danger, or even uncomfortable.  I would be the first one to say I couldn't go on (and my vet husband would be the quick second...) but I feel it says alot for someone's horsemanship to have not been pulled many times.  There may not be an award for it, but hey, it is a reward in itself.
    Laura Hayes