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    [RC] Voted Off the list story-short - Roger Rittenhouse

    FROM   Roger Rittenhouse     roger@xxxxxxxxxxx
    Here is  a short story that really is sort of funny, that is after the
    'Howard' ban
    I have never been tossed off a mail list before, well I guess I could
    say I dropped off the TI list before I was tossed, but that was another
    and I did drop off the CTR list also ...
    Anyway awhile back I was asked to join a very private list - sort of a
    subset of RC.
    The list mgr at the time thought I may offer some good information
    be an asset to the discussions..etc..  ???
    I asked to see the list of WHO was there, - I suggested that many on
    the list MAY not want or desire me there, since I was too out spoken,
    tended to not be PC and said just what I thought, sometimes too
    Well the list was asked- I was voted OFF the list BEFORE I ever got
    Funny ?
    So Howard if you read this  - I have one up on you.
    Is this sort of like Survivor or Weakest Link  or maybe 'missing'
    Who's next? hehehe
    Actually this list is enough, I would suspect the 'trail  rider and
    CTR and other Endurance ' lists are all quite redundant anyway.
    And when Rc gets too much I just go away for a  while -
    Roger Rittenhouse
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