I never ride with a cell
phone, but after reading here on ridecamp and with the constant urging from
family and friends, I had decided to take my phone with me for the first time on
this particular day. I had actually thought for a moment as I put it in my
water bottle bag, I hope I don't jinx myself by bringing this
After a few moments of
trying to comfort Gitano, I grabbed the cell and started dialing... first my
boyfriend who was at the mall buying shoes. I calmly but with deep urgency
explained the situation. He was speechless. I hung up on him and
called the local veterinary hospital. Since it was after hours, the
operator said she would have to page a vet and then call me back. Now I
began to lose my patients. I called my best friend who rides with me often
in this park and would know exactly where I was. She answered her phone
and before I could say a word, she assured me that everything was going to be
okay and that the fire dept, veterinarian, rescue teams......... were all on
their way. My boyfriend had already contacted her and they called
Within 45 minutes everyone
arrived and they had to cut gate locks etc... to get to me. I
held Gitano in my arms and he never made a peep. The vet gave him a shot
for pain and then I had to say my goodbyes. It was awful.
I wanted to end the misery, but I felt that I had let him down. I had
no choice but to put him to sleep. He was such a trooper right up
until the last breaths. I feel very sad to have lost such a beautiful
animal with a tremendous heart of gold.