[RC] I'm outta here - JUDYK89
I'm really sorry to see these people go. I'm sorry they aren't finding anything worthwhile to stick around for. Maybe they've been in this sport long enough that everything they're reading is a rehash, but maybe that's the very reason they're needed here. I'm still learning, and will listen to anyone, and sort out what works for me later.
I know this isn't supposed to be a forum for newbies to learn, it is supposed to be a discussion forum for endurance riders. Well, word has gotten out, and I and many others have found this list to be an invaluable source of information as a newbie, and I wish that all the experienced riders would speak up more often, especially when they see misinformation.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard/read something on here just to learn later down the road that it wasn't true, but no one spoke up "because they've been over it before." This is the way we ALL learn, and I'll be very sorry to see the more experienced and knowledgeable people leave.
I know it's a lot to ask, it takes up time, it's repetitive, but to me it's very important. I hope to have the shoe on the other foot one day and return the favor.