Re: [RC] horses that kick - SandyDSA
This is a very wise post - I wish mor epeople had this thought when riding most ANY horse. Aside from being fairly stupid (some stallions will try to breed geldings!), stallions in the hands of the mentally benign are a hazard, and I think msot people know this. At the same time, everything you said here can and SHOULD be applied to some degree when riding around ANY strange horse. As we have over the years integrated new horses into our herd (much to my hsuband's chagrine), clearly even THAT takes some time and we are always keeping a weather eye on our horses as they learn to go down the trail together. Why would anyone NOT adopt this attitude of caution when surrounded by dozens of horses unknown to theirs? Caution is not reserved for stallion - tremendous COMMON SENSE should be and often isn't, but just common sense at all should be and too often isn't applied when riding others horses, mares and geldings as well. They kick an
d bite, too.