From: Lisa Redmond
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 12:35 PM
To: ridecamp
Subject: Re: [RC] Men of endurance [was: Pictures of Howard AND also one ofTruman]
"And of course those who are
interested in bloodlines - past and future - will want to be sure that the
reproductive organs are hefty and healthy."
> Lif Strand
> Quemado NM USA
Does that mean someone is going to pull out a tape and do a reproductive
soundness exam? <VEG>
For 200 bucks, I'll ship semen, frozen, no questions asked as to who the mare is. Included will be a copy of my family tree (one branch), which traces from the back hills of North Carolina to the castles of England. I'll even throw in a Philadelphia accent.
Howard (I think the wife might have something to say about my new business enterprise)