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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:26:18 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: RE: [RC] pre-newbie; ridecamp@endurance.net
  • - Tami Bourassa
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    RE: [RC] "Horses that kick" - Betsy O'Shea

       My mare would kick if  another horse came right up on her butt, but it
    was so rare, because the people I rode with didn't do that, and in the
    arena, riders gave other horses plenty of room.  But when I started
    foxhunting this mare, kicking became a problem. I started carrying a crop
    and yelled at her and smacked her when she kicked and when she even thought
    of kicking. She had to learn to tolerate horses running up on her, and
    galloping shoulder to shoulder and nose to tail.  I don't care whose fault
    it is, my mare is not to even think of kicking. This approach has worked, so
    I know, at least with my horse, kicking can be stopped. Most people run up
    on you because they can't control their horse , so I have taken the safest
    way, and that is to break my horse of her kicking habit.  To me it is basic
    training of a horse riding in groups. In endurance, people pass closer than
    we would like and in ways that are not always safe.  We can't control their
    unsafe behavior, but at least we can train our own horse to tolerate this
    bumping and crowding.   
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