Oh what a difference a year can make! Memorial Day weekend, 2001, we breezed down I-20 from Atlanta, and drove onto the Army base at Fort Gordon, Augusta, GA, for the bi-annual Liberty Run Endurance Ride, and gave little or no thought to the fact that this ride is held on an actual Military Base, where actual people are serving our country, and fighting for our actual freedom.
Memorial Day weekend, 2002, we breezed down I-20 from Atlanta, and drove onto the Army Base at Fort Gordon, and were immediately stopped by military officials at checkpoint #1, requiring picture ID's and trailer searches, and questions on whether we were carrying weapons. We then drove on to Lake Leitner Rec. Area, and were stopped by military officials at checkpoint #2, requiring picture ID check, and tag number.
After passing checkpoint #2, I trailered on to the ride camp with mixed emotions of anxiety, sadness, pride, and of safety. Thoughts of war, thoughts of 9-11, thoughts of pre-9-11, thoughts of the US Army, thoughts of how the fallout of global events can trickle down and eventually affect each and every one of us as individuals no matter where we are . . .
These thoughts came and went throughout the 3 days, as a backdrop to what was an absolutely gorgeous, fun-filled picture perfect ride weekend. I saw old friends, met new friends, the weather was hot, the moon was beautiful and full for the 100 milers, and friendly smiles, helpful volunteers, and upbeat attitudes were everywhere. Even the generator noises seemed to be minimal during the weekend, at least where I was camping.
Oh what a difference a year can make!! Memorial Day weekend, 2001, my horse , Miad, and I were preparing to travel, in a couple of weeks, to Front Royal, Virginia, to attempt the Old Dominion 50 mile ride. We were both in top shape last year, (for our ages, anyway!!), and we did successfully complete the OD, and get the coveted buckle, our proudest endurance achievement.
Memorial Day weekend, 2002, Miad and I completed the Liberty Run 25 mile ride, and we were both tired and I was extremely sore afterwards, and no way we (especially I) could've completed a 50 this year. My horse is not in top form now because of my busy, non-riding schedule, and I am totally out of shape. Time to hit the gym, do regular training rides, and put life's true priorities back in order.
Red, white and blue were the prevailing colors of the completion awards at the ceremony held on Monday morning, Memorial Day. An awards ceremony which, normally a little sparse in attendance since it's held on the morning after the ride, was jammed packed this year. It seemed that not many trailers pulled out of camp after the ride, it was as if no one wanted to leave. The t-shirts, with the Parkers' traditional American Flag and horse and rider emblem, were super-spectacular this year, and I will hang this one up and only wear it on special occasions, like if I ever attempt my first 100, down at Liberty Run, on Fort Gordon.
The emotional scale zoomed up high when ride mgr Vicki Parker announced that our dear, wonderful vet, Dr. Todd Holbrook, is leaving us and moving to a teaching position in Oklahoma. This was to be his last southeast region endurance ride. He accepted a beautiful, red, white and blue commemorative blanket from Vicki, and it was time for teary eyes and sadness. Then every single award recipient was applauded, and the highlight came when Vicki spoke about Lawton Johnston, the late, great endurance legend from South Carolina, and said the Liberty Run Memorial Trophy established in Lawton's honor would be engraved with the name of this year's 100 mile winner, as it has been since it was started 2 years ago, after his death. Oh what a difference the years can make . . let's never forget!!!
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