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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:26:19 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Todd Holbrook - Howard Bramhall

    I just heard that Todd Holbrook, my most favorite vet in the entire world, is moving.  Todd has accepted a teaching job at a college in Oklahoma; I'm not sure which one.  Anyway, far be it for me to tell ya'll about this wonderful man except to say I will miss him greatly.  For those of you who don't know, Todd is the vet who saved Dance Line's life when I almost lost him, thru my own idiotic competitive behavior, at an endurance ride over two years ago.  I'll never forget that night, and I don't think Todd will either.
    I've seen Todd at quite a few rides since then.  I remember at one ride, when I saw him at Million Pines, soon after that "Death Visits Ridecamp" experience, I got down on my knees in front of a few other vets (they were all drinking coffee early in the morning), and bowed profusely to this man.  Nobody, but Todd, knew why I was doing such a thing.  Todd knew.
    I wish Doc Holbrook well, those students in Oklahoma are lucky to get him, and he will be a wonderful teacher.  Of this, I have no doubt whatsoever, cause that night, standing with Dance Line under a tree, I learned something from Todd that I will never ever forget.  I learned that the horse must always come first, and nothing, but the horse and his health is what matters.  Nothing!
    God Bless you Doc, you will be sorely missed, not only by me, but by every Southern endurance rider in the country.  I hope to see you again someday; till then, I will never ever forget what you did for my horse, Dance Line, on that Saturday night in South Carolina.  Adios amigo.