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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:26:19 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] new topic re green horses
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  • Prev by Date: Re: [RC] Green Horses/sour grapes
  • - Lisa Redmond

    RE: [RC] new topic re green horses - Mike Sofen

    As I mentioned in my description of how we did that NATRC ride, we DIDN'T go
    that slow.  We walked at normal speed, trotted quite a bit, and when we got
    too far ahead time-wise, we'd take a break, let the horses graze, let the
    other riders re-pass us, and then start again.  It actually worked out quite
    well.  We never slowed their walk down, and did some fast trotting on some
    of the level/mild uphill stretches.  The only place where you're not allowed
    to "stop your forward progress" is in the last 2 miles, and we were right on
    time, so we walked in at normal speed.
    -----Original Message-----
    Mike Sofen wrote:
    >On advice from Nancy Twight, I took my green horse to a NATRC novice ride
    >miles in 7 hours) as his first event.?
    Omigawd, how can anyone go THAT slow? My horse walks at 5 mph so I'd be done
    in 4 hours without trying! Do you stop to graze a lot? Was the terrain
    exceptionally difficult? (I did one LD that I finished over time (6 1/2
    hours) because the terrain was so horrendously difficult.)
    Deanna (Ohio)
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    Re: [RC] Green Horses/sour grapes, Lisa Redmond