[RC] Scabs & Sores - RHightshoe
I have a 4 year old Molly mule who every year gets scabbing and sores all
around her lower front legs and on her shoulders. I have never been able
to figure out what is doing it other than a guess that it might have
something to do with grazing and some kind of grass allergy. I thought for
a long time it was from flys because it clears up over the winter. Then I
read on ridecamp that some horses are allergic to an oil in fly spray so
this year I avoided all spray but it didn't work. I have five other mules
and horse who don't experience this problem. I would appreciate your
thoughts on this. She is beautiful in every respect but her legs get
disgusting-looking and I know they must not feel great. Maybe you have had
a similar experience and figured out what to do. I can't seem to conquer
this. Thanks. Bob
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