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Joint Supplements (LONG)
Liz Masters Ridecamplist@hotmail.com
I am a registerd member but couldn't send this post
I have a few questions regarding joint supplements that I hope all of
youcan help me with.
1) Susan G. I vaguely remember a discussion a year or so ago that CSU was
studying the benefits, effects and absorption of NSAIDS. Has that ever
been done or is it something CSU is still working on?
2) I have acquired an older companion horse who has ringbone and artritis.
I sat down and started looking thru a mail order catalog. To say the least
I was overwhelmed with the volumn of joint supplements on the market. So,
what is the best combination of products or what is a excellent single
therapy, what MG dose is the LEAST acceptable, what is the recommended MG
doseage? Are these products safe for long term use, what is better powder
or liquid for absorption? What are the differences in the following
Hyaluronic Acid
Perna Mussel
Glucosamine HCL
Chondroitin Sulfate
Shark Cartilage
Hydrolysed Collagen
What are GAG Supplements?
I know these the following are herbs but do they work well?
Devil's Claw
3) What products have anyone used that work well. What are the most cost
4) What works the best, shots then maintain on the feed thru supplements?
5) I am raising a young horse for a future in Endurance. He has been
ponied since he was a yearling, he is now 3. He has never had any filling
in his legs, never been stiff or sore. Can I put him on the same joint
supplement as the elderly horse? I just want to use it strickly as a
preventative measure.
6) If a horses body can produce a small amount of Vitamin C does a joint
supplement need to contain it and Vitamin E? I know that Vitamin C is a
natural healer, is that why it is contained in a joint supplement, in
order to help repair the connective tissue? Also how much Vitamin E is ok
to feed a young horse, working (endurance) horse and an elderly one?
Sorry this is long and I tried looking up alot of this in the archives but
couldn't find alot of this info.
Thank you for your time,
Liz Masters
Hoover, Pistol, Bear, The Black Knight, Belesemo Tango, Belesemo Disco and
Little Miss Priss
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