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Re: RC: DVE/LSD (Long)
Truman, the sun is out and there is hope. Had a great day yesterday
clearing a new trail, and now this. <sigh> I'm a little stir crazy I
think. I need to be "out there", not "in here".
Just riding for the mileage is what some people do, which is OK, but
that's only one facet of Endurance, and is just that...mileage. Let's
see....if I look up Susan Garlinghouse, I have twice as many miles as
she does. Guess that makes me twice as knowledgeable? I suppose we
shouldn't count all those hours of research at Tevis and other places
and what she has seen other riders do and not do? Hardly....I'm a novice
compared to her. She can ride with me or ride my horses anytime.
(Hopefully, she would be willing to do that) :)
Endurance offers many different ways to excel. I think it would benefit
all of us that call ourselves "Endurance Riders" to sit down and write
out a personal definition of what our goals are in this sport. My
PERSONAL definition of Endurance is to compete successfully (where it be
for mileage, awards for my horse, or just the opportunity to complete)
within acceptable safe parameters on a physically and mentally well
trained horse over varied and challenging trails.
For me, add DIY, and continually try to learn more and get better at it.
The more well trained and fit I can get my horse (and me) the more
confident I am that all will turn out well for both of us and the safer
we are. That is, it raises the bar on what are "acceptable safe
parameters". I try to CONSTANTLY teach my horse, and remind myself that
I am competing mostly with myself and against the trail. Considering my
USMC backgound, I hate to say it but I try to be "The Best That I Can
Be" <cringe> <grin> (Hmmmm...guess I haven't been too successful lately,
huh?) <sigh> I have a hard time just meeting the high standards Sunny
sets for me! :)
It does not suprise me that a successful eventer would have no problem
with Endurance. Eventing requires a fit horse and the rider must know
his horse well to avoid the problems associated with strenuous
Many disciplines, particularly dressage, competitive trail, and eventing
are complimentary and a horse benefits from the requirements of all
Since competitive trail is judged trail riding, you have to train your
horse to be calm and responsive and you don't have the speeds of
Endurance. The individual who taught me Endurance used to talk about
some of the things they used to do in the "old days". Like having your
horse load quietly on a trailer, toss a live chicken in the trailer,
judge his response, then ask him to quietly unload. Talk about training
and trust!
Dressage requires, among other things, good balance (both rider and
horse), collection, response to leg aids and attentiveness that are very
beneficial. (I should do more of this)
Which also relates to one of my favorite topics....why Endurance riders
aspiring to ride FEI need to inconvenience the majority of us to
"practice" under FEI rules. If you are competititive enough in
Endurance to ride internationally, you are certainly capable of adapting
to a new set of mostly procedural rules without practice....just as the
eventer you mentioned did. Doesn't change what you do, just the rules
under which you do it. This makes about as much sense as sanctioning a
ride Endurance and CTR.
Off my soapbox...just my usual irrelevant, unusually humble, worthless
opinion. No flames required...unless they will melt this snow. <grin>
Gotta do something while I drink my coffee and stay warm.
OK, Forty lashes with dental floss for mentioning the dreaded "FEI"
Jim, Sun of Dimanche, and Mahada Magic (Refusing to attend any rides
sanctioned under multiple rules)
Truman Prevatt wrote:
> Well, Jim I see the weather has gotten to you. W
> In FL many of the best equestrians in the country come down here for the winter
> Grand Prix circuit. A couple of years ago, I crewing at a FL ride and the RM
> sent this guy over to talk to me about endurance. Turns out he was an Olympic
> caliber eventer and he though he would do an endurance ride as "cross training"
> for one of his eventing horse.
> He knew a little about the sport. So we went though how it is run and I made
> the suggestion about electrolytes - which he was already prettty well up on. I
> watched him during the day and he had more endurance sense than 90% of the
> riders there - although it was his "first ride." He also rode crewless on a
> ride with three out checks and only had help when someone offered it at the
> checks. I did take his stuff out with me and helped him when I could. He eaisly
> top tenned and his horse look great all day long. So I don't get too hung up on
> miles, either.
> Hope you guys get dug out soon.
> Truman
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