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Re: RC: Re: DVE - Zay and Hawk
At 02:16 PM 01/02/2002 -0500, Maggie Mieske wrote:
>!! What does everyone think
>is the secret to keeping them so healthy and able to compete for all these
>years? Just curious to hear everyone's ideas and thoughts on that...
It's not really a secret. Mostly it's just using common sense and not
beating the heck out of a horse for the first two or three seasons, or
trying to race every single ride. Lots of people don't have enough
patience. Because a horse *can* do something doesn't mean that it
*should*. I really hate seeing people taking a new horse or one that has
only done a couple of rides on a multiday and running up in the front with
it. It's sure a lot easier to go too fast than it is too slow and it's too
bad more people don't err on the conservative side when they are starting
out with a new horse. If a horse is a good horse it'll still be good (or
great!) after it has a thousand or more miles on it---if it's able to do
well sooner then just think how good it really could have been. I say have
been because I see lots of horses ridden hard early in their careers
because they can, and then where do they disappear to.....if they had been
ridden more sensibly they would still be out there after a few thousand
miles and going strong. One of the juniors I rode with at Death Valley
this year hit the nail on the head when she said that some riders only care
about where they end up on the list (how they place).
Happy Trails,
in NV
& Rocky
& Weaver
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