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Nice Long winter ride
Carla Lawson robandcarla@hotmail.com
It started out as a casual ride. Ansata was feeling particular loving to
my jrs gelding. I was very uneasy about her purchase with out some help in
buying him. I thought there is another 1500 bucks she may as well set on
fire. He is a giant for me. QH and Thoroughbred cross. Needless to say by
the time we finished riding I told her if she ever needed some cash..let
me know. I like him. Big guy great heart and killer trot.I was wrong he
was a great buy for her. She said his trot was a bit rough when you went
faster but I have yet to ride the roughest compared to a little paint I
rode for a trainer..I dubbed Granny. Short little front legs it felt as if
someone was driving a semi thru your pelvis! ugh...nasty horse.
Clyde was completely oblivious to Ansatas advances. I had never had her to
talk to a gelding while riding. Mean while Haley feeling the cold and
haveing the crabbies was giving Rob a fun time as well. His back was
hurting and you can imagine having to deal with a crabby horse. But once
we got started it was like holding back a horse race. Our dogs wound up
way behind sometimes. It was about 32 with windchill in the teens. I got
smart and invested in a baklava. The kind that cover the face. Oh how warm
I was! My Isosports need to be traded for some better gloves. I found the
SSG winters still get cold fingers!
I had on a nice Goose down jacket that I got for Christmas! oh how warm!!
and a thermal shirt under a sweat shirt. helmet on the only thing that got
cold was my toes. I believe that because my feet were sweating in the
thermal socks my toes got cold. I finally have feeling in them!
Haley got tired 3/4 of the way thru. Ansata still had get up and go and
didn't get as sweaty as the other two. Man the ice puddles were mean! had
to dodge some of those Ansata nearly went down at a walk. But she is still
killer at the trot. Man she really gets going when she wants to boogie
down the trail.
When we got to the creek the dogs jumped in. Dee litterally rolled in the
water. I am thinking I really wish I could get her dog DNA in a horse! She
has tons of endurance, isn't afraid of anything, loves water, to drink or
roll, eats anything. What do you think.. should I see if it could be
All in all it was one of those great days to be alive and enjoy the cold.
For all of us who gripe about hot summers, enjoy this chilly weather.
Hey Angie get any snow today?? could you all send me some snow this way so
I can have an extra day off to play in it????
Carla (what a beautiful day...to get in the first years ride!)
Ansata (I don't care if he was a gelding..he looked good to me!)
Haley (itstodarncoldtorideitstodarncoldtorideitstodarncoldtoride)
Rob (I can ride, drink hot chocolate and snuggle..I'm not proud.)
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