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Re: Re: help! feed everywhere
We solved the problem of tromping feed into the mud by simply hauling in
dirt with a lot of gravel in it and building a raised area along the area
where we fed in each pasture that would drain and stay firmly packed, so
that we were feeding the horses on relatively dry, firm ground.
That's a great idea. I think your idea would help a lot in an
area that does not have "significant" rainful or where there is poor to no
drainage, but would not solve the problem completely for wetter areas. I
feed on the ground, but here in Texas, even on a well-drained, grassy
hillside, if I feed more than twice in the same spot when it's "a wet time",
I have a mudhole. Luckily, I have enough room so am able to change feeding
spots regularly. If I had to feed in the same place day after day when it
had rained all week------I think I'd be looking to build a simple roof over
the feeding area and to try to divert runoff from the area--after I had
raised the area as you suggest.
In Texas where it can get WET.
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