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Nose Bleeds
Hi all;
Yesterday, 5 minutes into a warmup, my mare has a nose bleed. One nostril
only. She either sneezes or coughs exactly twice at the beginning of any
workout, and has been doing so for the last 6 months. She does not sneeze or
cough at at any other time.I phoned the vet, and she said it was likely with
the sneeze she burst a blood vessel and that this was fairly common
especially in hot weather (I'm in South Africa, it has been very hot
lately), but to watch her, she would come out if it happened again. So my
question is, is this really fairly common or could it be a warning for
something else going on in there. In the five years I've been around horses
I have never seen a nose bleed. This was a trickle of very red, fresh blood
which I cleaned and that was it.Also I'm thinking this could not be Exercise
Induced Pulmonary Bleeding, ever since we has just barely begun to trot.
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