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Trying to figure out...
... how to know when we'll be ready to enter in a 25/30 miler.
One problem I have is that I have no clue the distances I am
currently riding, and no easy way to measure them (winding
trails, no parallel roads), so I am riding time more than
distance right now. What is considered a slow time for a 25
miler? I realize this varies based on horse, rider, terraine
etc, but I'd like some rough idea how many hours we need to be
able to handle before trying an LD ride. Right now I do 3 - 4
hour rides most weekends fairly easily, not fast. I plan to
start picking up the pace as we get in shape. Hope to do at
least one LD (Old Dominion in June, 25 mile LD) this summer if
at all possible.
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