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Re: RC: Re: Feeding/hay suggestions

Oops, I meant to say "our horses that are NOT faring well on oat hay."

Must to learn to proof-read....mumble mumble....


Jennifer Thompson wrote:

> Thanks everybody, for your suggestions re: our horses that are faring well on
> oat hay.  I am going to look into a few of them.
> As far as chopped hay, which was suggested by a few people, the only thing our
> local feedstore has is chopped alfalfa and molasses (A&M).  I'll check around
> for other varieties at different feed stores farther away.  I have a truck so
> could make the trip and load up on some.
> Someone suggested Orchard Grass hay.  I've never even seen it in our area at
> all, as far as I know of.  I'll ask around about that too, although at this
> rate, fat chance that my horse will like that either!  LOL
> I will also talk my friend who boards my horse to see if she would be willing to
> do the beet pulp thing.  I just don't know how crazy she'll be about having to
> hassle the soaking routine and all.  I'm having a hard enough time getting her
> to give my horse her Equine Senior so she doesn't lose weight again.
> Oh, and to the person in CO who asked if there were other factors involved with
> the formation of enteroliths, ask different vets and you'll get different
> answers.  One vet I know thinks the use of wheat bran is involved as well as
> alfalfa.  Another suspects the hard water in our area.  He may be on to
> something as it is odd that other areas that also predominantly feed alfalfa
> don't have the high rate of enteroliths that we do.
> I will be sending my mare out to Chino for x-rays within the next year to check
> for stones, as a preventative measure.  I'd rather know ahead of time if she's
> got one or more rolling around in there, rather than when she's writhing in pain
> on the ground from a ruptured gut.  :0(
> Thanks again everybody, I'm going to check around and see what I can find out,
> feed-wise.
> Jennifer
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