Hi all; We just spent the weekend going to the Eqquine Affair in Pomona California, and had a blast. The cold weather (40, rain wind, thunder) made it a bit tough to sit through the riding demonstrations on the metal bleachers, but a lot of the speakers were inside. We got to hear Becky Hart's presentation, which was well attended, and see her films from a ride in Spain, Belgium (I think) and Holland. The Holland one featured Valerie Kanevy cantering down the sidewalk with cars along side, and a jogger jumping out of the way. My friend next to me was gasping, her teenage daughter is just getting started, and the kid was grinning. I told her, don't worry, here in the states we don't usually gallop via the highway most of the time!

She had great tips though. I found some products for sale --there was a Vet there who has developed a line of grooming aids with Tea tree oils. He's at
www.healing-tree.com in Oregon. He had a hoof cream I liked on my hands, my husband thought it smelled like solvent (not DMSO) but I thought it was herbal. They had a Equine body wash that is supposed to help with scratches and rainrot and other skin infections, but also for general cleaning. So I got some to try out. Our friends were looking at the treeless Ansur saddles, and I don't know much about that subject (I was asleep that day in ridecamp class), but I thought they were extremely expensive for my friend! $2,000. Aren't there cheaper alternatives? What about the sportsaddle, is that treeless? We also enjoyed watching the equine chiropractor, and looking at the Fresian stallions in the building. They also had a Budweiser Clydesdale there who fell into the wrong hands and was rescued from the slaughter yard (Not Budweisers Fault) . He was incredibly beautiful and huge, and we paid to have a picture with him, that money goes to buy his feed! (We probably paid for 1/8 of breakfast for one day). My daughter fell in love with him, and..also with the western pleasure fancy clothes and chaps, ( ca-ching$$$$) Luckily Teddy Lancaster from Running Bear Farm was there so I was able to distract my daughter by showing her the cushy stirrups. Whew! Next week is the NATRC conference at CAl Poly Pomona. We'll be hearing speakers about colic and soundness, and stuffing our faces with rich desserts while the rain comes down. Life is good. Beth