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Re: RC: coughing
My horses had something like this last year. Vet did not give antibiotics,
as he felt it was a viral problem. He did say to keep an eye on them, and if
the snot turned color-yellow or green-that would be a sign that it went to a
bacterial infection. Then he would give antibiotics. It seemed to take the
younger one about three weeks to get over it, then she had an exercise cough
for another couple weeks. The older mare was better faster. I definietly
would NOT put the horse in a stall. Temps of 40-60 are plenty warm enough
for most horses, and the fresh air rather than closed, stale indoor air is
much better for their respiratory system at any time, especially when they
sick. Since the sick horse is isolated, don't worry about it. If the horse
looks cold, a blanket would be a better solution. MHO jeri
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