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USET Clinic

I have been riding endurance since 1979. Started by doing ride and tie. Emmett Ross and I figured out that the horse was the most important part of that sport so started doing more endurance.  So 22 years of riding and FINALLY I get some lessons, thanks to USET.

The USET clinic showed me how lucky I have been. The 5 top tens at Tevis have been thanks to luck and real good horses.  If only I had the training I could have gotten 15 to 20 % more from my horses over all of these years. The poor things, having to put up with me.

There IS something to coming up through the ranks, doing NATRC, having lessons.

Yes, there are some that can be learned from the pants up. I wish it had been me, it wasn't.
I am grateful to USET for the training and insights. We are lucky to have them in our camp....

Steve Shaw

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