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P&R vet check treatment

> Angie,
> Most of the CTR associations that I'm aware of no longer score 

I need to clarify that I am totally ignorant of most CT rules.  I've been
to I think 4 ever, one as a P&R taker and 3 riding drag.  I was totally
confused at the time because of the difference in the meaning of terms. 
Their "P&R" check was sort of a "pop quiz". What I called a P&R was I
guess actually some sort of judging spot.  They took their pulses and
judged them somehow.  

I didn't get to see the vet part since for some reason we had them lined
up side to side on the trail.  The reason I thought they walked 2 miles
was that someone mentioned that there was a horse out at the 2 miles to
go sign who was having trouble coming down.  I asked why she stopped that
far out and they said that after that sign you were required to maintain
forward progress.  People who know the sport have told me that's only at
the finish line...which wouldn't have made sense there since we were far
from camp but I'll assume that that is definately how it is now, and any
conflict is either due to the fact it was 12 years ago, or that I was
pregnant at the time, or I'm losing my memory. :-)

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