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Re: RC: Re: Barefoot

At 12:27 PM 11/28/2001 -0700, Tracey Ritter wrote:
>(not just a dinky LD ride) and another 50 the weekend after that
>barefoot with her horse in excellent condition.  Luck?!
>Coincidence?! An anomaly unlikely to be duplicated?  I think not.

HELLO?!?!?  Have you not been paying attention?  Her horse did not finish 
the last ride in excellent condition.  It wasn't even sound.  It looked 
liked it was foundering later.  I can't say that I have ever seen a horse 
looking more abused at an endurance ride before.  I really hope that nobody 
else out there on ridecamp is actually believing all the lies and BS that 
she posted.   Good grief.  Let's hope that stuff like that doesn't get 
duplicated, it's cruel and inhumane to allow a horse to suffer like that 
one did just to prove a point.

Karen, who was there

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