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Re: RC: Marking an Endurance Ride with a GPS
At 11:41 AM 11/16/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>If (God forbid) GPS units become a requirement for endurance riding, I'll
>never make it back to camp. 'Course if that happens, I'll just go to rides
>that Karen Chaton goes to and follow HER, pestering her continually with
>stupid questions about how to operate my GPS (I already drove her nuts with
>questions about the digital camera).
Sylvia -- it's okay, I like having juniors along <G>. You have to abide by
the universal rule though -- NO WHINING. When you come to the new Cuyama
multiday next year, I'll show you how it works. Just make sure you buy a
Garmin receiver so it will interface with what everybody else has. It's
real simple, once you do that you activate your route and then I put the
screen on the one with the great big arrow, that points you where you need
to go. It will also tell you the distance to the next waypoint, so that is
handy -- you'll know when a turn is coming up. You don't need to look at
it continually, unless you have nothing better to look at.....I should warn
you tho, if Kayla is along we have a 10 mph speed limit. No 18 mph
trotting for us! :+D
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