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GPS Units
Stan Moyer stan.moyer@twa.com
I am looking for some advise on hand held GPS units, key features to look
for, ease of use, price, etc.
Karen, I know you mentioned using GPS on the XP rides, any ideas???
We formed a trail maintence group at Clinton Lake, KS and the folks from
the Corp of Engineers walked all the trails (3) with a GPS and made us a
large aeriel map with all the waypoints that need work. It is the neatest
map I have even seen and very acurate. This is the way to make ride maps.
And by the way, the guys at the Corp are very helpful and horse friendly,
unlike the hump at the State Park. They come to our meetings and offer
advice and even are going to provide some signs and trail markers. What a
concept...groups working together to accomplish a goal.
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