Mares and Geldings as Ride Partners
Betty chachalulu1@aol.com
So far my experience has been that the geldings motor along and
don't seem to be as watchful/careful about footing and their
general environment. The mares motor along, too; but are always
paying attention to "something" in addition to moving along the
trail. They seem to question more: speed in relation to footing
conditions, orienteering with respect to basecamp and where other
horses on the trail are located, etc. They are very willing
to do anything once you get used to their "are you sure about
this?" way of going. When you tell them that you are "sure",
they are great about sizing up the job and getting it done.
I like mares as partners because I enjoy the explicit "wheel-
turning-in-the-brain" behavior and earning their unbelievable
trust. I like geldings as partners because they don't ask
questions very often.
Just my eperience. Betty.
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