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BOD and the tighter NC Qualifications
The midyear BOD meeting provided tighter qualifications for the next NC
based on member feedback.
The complete text for the requirements is below with a database query that
shows how many teams would have qualified for this years NC if they had
been used.
The qualification change that is causing the most discussion on the lists
is the one where the team is required to have 500 lifetime miles together
rather than 500 each with a smaller together number.
Certainly statistics can be used to "prove" almost anything. These are a
starting point.
Mike M
1, Rider must be a current AERC member in good standing
2. Horse must be entered in the AERC Horse Mileage program
3. Horse and Rider team must have at least 500 lifetime endurance miles.
You have the choice in the next 3:
A. Horse and Rider must place in the top five in their weight division in two 50
mile AERC endurance rides between the dates of August 24, 2001 to August 23,
B. The horse and rider teams winning first place in their weight division in
the previous year's 50 mile AERC NC.
C. Any horse & Rider team that has 1,000 endurance lifetime miles
Points 1, 2, 3 same as for 50 miles
4, The horse and rider team must have completed two one-day 100-mile
endurance rides.
You have a choice of either A or B or C.
A. Horse and rider team must place in the top five in their weight division
in one 100 mile AERC endurance ride between the dates of August 24, 2001 to
August 23, 2002
B. The horse and rider teams winning in their division in the previous
year's 100 mile AERC NC.
Any horse and rider team that has 1000 endurance lifetime miles qualifies.
The database query shows the following numbers that would have qualified
from Aug. 2000 to Aug. 2001 w/o anyone even trying to meet the new
qualifications. The numbers could be higher if riders had planned
their rides based on the tighter qualifications.
Rider/horse teams with 500 miles together that have 2 top 5 placings in 50 Aug/Aug
Rider/horse teams with 500 miles together that have 1 top 5 placing in 100 Aug/Aug
Rider/horse teams that have 1K miles together and completed a ride in the last 5
Qual 50 Qual 100 Qual 1K
317 158 871
Note that there is overlap in the numbers. The 1K quals will include some
of the qual 50 and 100. But if even as much as 20% overlap occurs - then
the potential teams for each of the 50/100 could be
Qual 50 Qual 100
1017 855
Obviously statistics can show you what you want but this gives a better
picture of what the potential pool could be.
And no - it's late and we didn't do the pool based on the old requirements.
Mike and Russ
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