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Music to ride by (or avoid)
I can't stand to do anything without music. I have
radio's and CD's everywhere. I love to make my own tapes to ride to. I have hip
hop dancing music for galloping and songs to sing along with when it is
time to slow down.
The number one song in the US right now is Alicia
Keys "I keep on Falling". If that is not a riding title, I don't know what is.
Then when you listen to the song, you just know she is talking about a
relationship with her endurance horse. Actually, it sounds like something my
trainer Wendy would have wrote. But those are other funny stories!
The song starts off with "I keep on falling in and out of love with you.
Sometimes I love you, sometimes you make me blue". You know you
love your horse to death after a great ride, but if there was one spook
involved, you are feeling blue alright. Black and blue. Or maybe blue in the
face because you have just had the wind knocked out of you and can't
Then she sings, "Sometimes I feel good, sometimes I feel used.
Loving you darling makes me so confused". We
feel so good when we buy the best hay and feed, the prettiest saddles and comfy
pads. Then when we go to feed them they turn up their noses or dump it in the
poop. Or they will roll on that really expensive saddle as if to say
"Yuck, this thing is ugly." So then we look our empty check book, empty
cupboards and naked kids with no shoes and feel really used and confused.
In the next verse she asks "How do you give me so much pleasure and cause me so
much pain? Just when I think I've taken more than would a fool, I start falling
back in love with you." Haven't you ever wondered why after your
lover boy has stepped on your foot and you spent the day at the emergency room
you still go out and give him carrots? Or while your beauty girl is munching the
beauty hay and your cleaning her stall in between bouts of passing out from
starvation, every time you come to you say "Yeah, your a beauty girl and momma
loves you." What are we, sick?!! Is this a love/hate relationship, or what? We
should all be in therapy but who can afford it?
There are many other endurance riding songs like
"Haven't Got Time For The Pain", "I'm a Survivor", which are self explanatory.
Then there is one "Say My Name" which I think was really written by a horse that
won't slow down. As in say my real name and stop calling me all those OTHER
names! (my name is not WHOA, DAMN IT!) Space Cowboy is a funny
song because it says "up in outer space there's no gravity to fall." So for
those of us who get tossed, we are not going high enough to avoid the gravity
pull. I like Madonna's song "Frozen" She says "You only see what your eyes want
to see" and then "Your Frozen". If that don't describe a spook big time! I think
the song that describes us endurance riders the best is "A Man of Constant
Endurance riding. It is music to my ears. Lisa
Salas, The Odd fArm
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