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Debbie Ekhaml
Hi Ridecampers,  I just heard from a VERY reliable source
the real reason the Coso Jam ride was cancelled and I am very
mad!  The PS region has only 1 multi-day as it is and many,
many riders were excited about this ride being added.  It seems
a known rider didn't like the Vets that were going to be working the ride
(she lives in the area of the ride) and bad-mouthed them
turning many of the volunteers off until the ride managers didn't have
enough to put on the ride and therefore had to cancel it.  To the credit
of Mike and Sue Benson, they would not
divulge the problem other than to say "internal problems" caused the
cancellation.  The individual that initiated this cancellation should be
ashamed of herself.  If you don't like
the Vets, DON'T GO!  You ruined the weekend for alot of other people not
to mention my last ride in this region as I am moving out of State.  Who
made you queen to decide which Vets should or should not vet a ride?  I
would love to say who it was, but will not publically on Ridecamp. but she
knows who she is.  My point is, EN now publishes the names of the vets
that will be working the rides and one reason is so that those with a
problem with a particular Vet can choose not to attend.  Those planning on
Coso were not given a choice!  What was the point? To "punish" a Vet?  The
only ones that really lost out were the 100+ riders that wanted to RIDE.
And to you K__, we know how selfish and self-centered you are.  Thanks to
Mike and Sue for trying.

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