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panic attack
I had a similiar incident, wasn't just a saddle/girthing problem, was
almost like a seizure of some kind. Its only happened with him 3
times, and he's 22yrs. old. Twice while girthing him up, we even use
the elastic at both ends english girths, but we have to go very slow,
walk him around a little as we girth a little at a time. The only other
time he had this "seizure" was when he was fixing to get a shot, just a
regular flu type shot, but when the vet began to rub the cold alcohol
swab on him, he had this seizure. Really shook us and the vet up.
After that, we always would pet and rub him there before swabbing, no
problems since. I'd take it very slow with girthing her up and even
lunge her a little before you sit in the saddle. Its obvious something
was bothering her. I hope you both feel better and hope it works out
for you. Did you say how long you've had her for and how much riding
you've done with her? How is she normally as far as her ground and
riding manners? Good luck to you. Debby
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