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Re: stifle

----- Original Message -----
From: "Truman Prevatt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 2:03 AM
Subject: RC: stifle

> Ray,
> There are some good stretching exercises which could help this.

Thanks for the suggestion of exercises. I don't have a horse with a stifle
problem, as such. But my Andalusian will tend to show a stiffness throughout
his left rear leg.

Sometime between the time I  bought him, and the time he was delivered, he
was kicked along the side of the hock by the new mare in the pasture where
he was staying. There really didn't seem to be any significant damage here,
and I was not worried about it at the time.

Some time later he developed an ugly abcess in the hindquarter on that same
side, due to a poorly given injection.

Some days he is stiff on that side, others not. About all I have been doing
for him up until now is daily massage of the area  with Deep Heat ( works
like a charm, but gets a little expensive. He likes it when you message that
warmth in too.  :-}  )
I give him  an extremely long warm up at the walk , stretching and doing
some lateral  work until we take off into  more intensive schooling and

But I think that your exercises are going to become part of our daily

Thanks again,

Chris White and Lynn Schrameyer-White
Schrameyer-White Gallery
ICQ- 910670


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