There are some good stretching exercises which could help this. First take
the hind foot and pull it as far forward under his belly it will go. Don't
force it, take what he will give. Hold for about 15 seconds. Then take the
foot back behind him, keeping the foot only a couple inches off the ground.
Again take what he will give but no more. Next grab the leg right below the
hock and raise the leg up and back so the leg between the hock and stifle is
parallel to the ground and pull back toward you. Again don't force. Finally
put the hoof under his hip and raise it directly up, bending his leg like an
accordion up into his hip.
Hold all these for about 15 seconds - don't force and do them on both legs.
Do these once a day for a month or so and then every other day and before you
This should help.
guest@endurance.net wrote:
> Ray O. rno2m@virginia.edu
> Put him up at a trial friday nite on his aforementioned roomy
> stake-out.Saturday a.m.,cold,went to take him up to the trailer and get
> the day started.Clipped the lead rope on him,turned my back on him and
> started to step off,when-resistance.Turned around-there he is with his
> head stuck out towards me,and the right rear extended back,seemingly
> "stuck".Took the slack out of the rope,gently encouraged him to back up a
> bit,which he would have done on his own,etc.,then led him up to the
> trailer,walked him around a bit,tacked him up and rode him during the day
> with no problems.This same sequence has happened 3 or 4 times in the last
> year or so,sometimes at home,not exertion related.This is a
> cow-hocked,toed out at the rear horse.VERY agile,very high mileage-even
> perhaps by you E-folks' standards.14 years old,very fit and well cared
> for.Heavy on the forehand all his life,even when much younger.
> Reccomendations?
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