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Help! Down Horse Part 3
Hi all
Too exhausted to write everyone individually--- thank you all for your
well wishes and suggestions. I have probably followed up on all of
them-- some before I read them...great minds...
THE BOY GOT UP TWICE TODAY!!!!! True, only for a brief moment until his
legs buckled. Seems to be dizzy, unbalanced. The accupressurist (a
friend who spent 2 hours massaging him and working his meridians today)
felt that part of the problem is that his ocular nerve was damaged when
he initially fell---- could very well be as his eye was VERY swollen
when we first found him. Now the trick will be to try to get him up so
that no more damage occurs from laying down--- yet give his eye time to
heal. We are going to try to blindfold him tomorrow and get him to
stand--- might decrease dizziness--- any thoughts on this?
We also are toying with the tow truck again. We used it Sat night and he
started flailing and tried to take off--- yes the back legs were
working-- but we could not quick release the towing straps fast enough
so he wound up going down again, with the support of the straps so that
he did not crash hard. We got him up again without the tow later, but he
buckled soon after rising. He spent all day Sunday resting after Sat's
activities and he was Ttouched (thank you, Bobbie for the instructions)
and massaged much of the day. If we can get a proper sling--- and we are
looking--- we may do well by just assisting him in rising and then
releasing quickly---- a lot harder than it sounds (thank you Cindy for
your instructions).
The boy is improving, though, and there is no more talk of THE SHOT!!!
Thanks for all your support! I would go down the list of all you
wonderful coaches to thank you, but I am brain dead at this time and
have to go down and roll him. Someone will have to roll me into bed
then. Mark has been doing much of the night duty, bless his heart, as I
chill easily and take sick. This is the true test of a marriage!!!!
(actually, he says he sleeps better on the air mattress on the nights
I'm not there--- something to do with the slant---- sounds like an old I
Love Lucy episode at the motel next to the train tracks---- anyone else
out there as old as me???)
Hugs to you all and your horses from
Bette and Scimitar
Bette Lamore
Whispering Oaks Arabians, Home of 16.2hh TLA Halynov
(Yes, really 16.2!)
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