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Re: Vosal
LuAnn Rod louie@gomontana.com
Seems true that some horses simply can't abide a vosal and others love it.
My mare than loves it was started briefly in a snaffle and then went
immediately to a vosal. I believe the vosal to pretty strong if you handle
it right. Use like a snaffle with a give and take and you'd be amazed how
quickly you get response. I know I've had occasion to really set my horse
back on her butt and the vosal was very effective. It works best, IMO, on
a horse that is off the whatever headpiece you use. As for being hard on
the face, I wrap the chin pieces with electrician tape to smooth it out
and use sheepskin on the nose. After a half dozen 50s and all day
conditioning, I've never even had a rub. I also like the little S
hackamore and that's been very effective on the mare that doesn't like the
vosal. She's very strong at the beginning of a ride and I've always had
control with the Little S.
Personally, I wouldn't be without both in my tack room.
Bozeman, Montana
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