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Some Arabs can gait, too!
I enjoy any post on gaited horses. They've always held my interest. I
found out this week that my Russian Arabian, Nyke, can gait! It totally
blew me away. Mind you, I've not had Nyke long and we are still in the
'getting to know you' phase. Nyke has this nice, long extended trot
that he prefers. Much demonstrated when he had his little 'walkabout'
once during our practice camping yesterday...but that is another fun
story for another day.
If he is behind a slower horse and can't extend and I collect him and
get him past that irritated 'I wanna pass, I wanna go, I wanna go'
feeling he will actually walk in the front and trot in the back. I'm
telling my riding buddy, "Hey, look at this! He's moving like a
Foxtrotter or something!" She then informed me that any horse can gait.
I love this getting to know you phase. I'm finding out all sorts of
neat stuff with him.
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