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Re: RC: Re: Effects of Trailering on horses
At 05:49 PM 10/09/2001 -0600, Susan Garlinghouse wrote:
>Carolyn Stull at UC Davis has done some research on the effects of
>trailering, I think. You can probably do a little rummaging through the UCD
>extension website to see if there's anything there.
>Also, Sarah Ralston at Rutgers University has done quite a bit of work on
>the effects of trailering on the immune system. She's another source.
I suppose I could pull up all the stuff I found when we were getting ready
for the 2001 XP. My horses hauled at least 6,000 miles each this summer,
in two months. Actually, maybe more than that. We put over 8,000 miles on
the truck and each horse was ridden 950 or 975 miles -- the rest of the
time was spent in the trailer.
(it'll take me awhile, I've got it all saved tho)
>I couldn't give you an exact correlation of two hours = 20 km. But I can
>tell you that of the 100 + horses we've collected base camp bloodwork on in
>the past 14 months, about 80% of them are clinically dehydrated---and that's
>*before* they ever start the ride. It's a fair assumption that that
>dehydration occurred during the trailer ride, and is not compensated for
>immediately (if ever).
Allrighty then, I'm going to preload them with elytes now, for their trip
coming up. :+)
btw -- what do you consider clinically dehydrated.....exactly?
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