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Fwd: Fayetteville, Arkansas Trailriders Meeting

FYI  hopefully someone from this area can go.  Lucie Hess

---- Begin included message ----
Hi, Lucie....would like to invite NATRC to send representatives to a get 
acquainted meeting in Fayetteville, Arkansas on Friday, January 26th from 
1200 Noon to 3:00 P.M. or later.    A draft agenda is as follows:

 I. Purpose of Meeting............................L. Gail Gartside, Missouri 

    To establish a communications network between the Oklahoma, Arkansas and 
Missouri equestrian trailriding organizations that will facilitate and 
enhance equestrian participation in the  U.S. Forest Service planning 
sessions scheduled for 2002.

2. Introductions.......................................Individual 

    Would ask that individual representatives identify themselves and present 
a brief overview of their respective organizations.  

3. Overview on Past Participation,  Changes in U.S. Forest Service Policy

     ...........................................................Amy Malloy, 
Copeland, MEC
    .............................................................Ken Coleman, 


      Ask if additional representatives wish to speak here!

4.   Group Discussion on Multi Use Trails:

5.  Identify Information Needs.....Divide Tasks........................Group

6.  Name or Title for Group, Purpose and Future Meetings .......Group

     Personally, would like some name as a sort of verbal shorthand.  Doubt 
if we want to create a formal organization with ByLaws, incorporation, 
minutes and that type of stuff.  Believe network could be the operative word 

7.  Other Common 

Please comment on agenda....suggest additions/deletions or modifications.

For now, we are calling this group the Ozark Plateau Trailriders.  According 
to U.S. Forest Service Supervisors in Missouri and Arkansas, forest planning 
will start in 2002 and the forests in Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma will be 
treated as one entity due to common topography.  Randy Moore, Mark Twain 
Forest Supervisor, has been most cordial and very clear that equestrians need 
to be present at these planning sessions.  

Representatives from trailriding organizations in Missouri, Oklahoma and 
Arkansas have been contacted and invited.  Are you interested?  If so, would 
add you to the email lists of contacts, etc.  Need home address and phone 
number.  Gail Gartside 
---- End included message ----

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