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Barefoot and hoof growth
karen standefer hrschk@yahoo.com
RE: Susan Garlinghouse Post:
Hi, Susan.
I'll go look up the research docs that I read and get
back to you. It'll be a few days because I have a lot
of material here and I have no references to where I
read what. I'm sure I've used the incorrect term when
saying toxins are used to build hoof material. But, I
know I repeated the basic theory correctly: That the
body systems have to work much harder to dispell what
the body was suppose to use to produce hoof horn when
it can't be diseminated properly due to reduced
circulation in a shod horse. The person who is
responsibile for this theory also made a lot of
correlations between founder/laminitis/colic and the
shod horse.
I have also read from several different research
scientist/vets, whatever the term, that the hair and
hoof material is, in fact, not made from the same
keratin protein.
I didn't say anything at all about the body
temperature of a barefoot horse being lower than that
of a shod horse during exercise or any other time.
That would make no sense to me, other than the
leg/hoof below the carpal joints which IS well
documented to be much cooler in a shod horse than a
barefoot horse with proper hoof mechanism.
Did you differentiate in your Pride project those
horses that were barefoot? Can you pass the info on
when you get time?
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