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Re: Barefoot and hoof growth
I think the other reason a barefoot horse might sweat a bit less is that
there could be more radiant heat loss from an overall increase in
circulation. It is probably more noticeable in some horses than others,
depending on the type of shoeing job they had before the trim and the
overall amount of hoof mechanism they have (depends a lot on the type of
footing they're worked on and the quality of the trim).
Also, about shod horses sliding their feet: I did read a REAL study about
this some time ago, unfortunately I can't remember where (got a lot of
challenges on this one!). It was the kind of thing that was done with
videography of horses at different gaits on a treadmill, the amount of
sliding was so little that they had to look at the tapes in slow motion to
see it--so in other words, it's not something you'd really notice while
riding your horse (unless, like Truman, you ride a gaited horse). Very
slight motion, but over many miles enough to wear through shoes. And
since I can't find the study again, I don't know whether their
observations could have been the result of the way the experiment was done
or the horses/shoes they used. But I thought it was interesting, and just
a possibility for why one horse can wear through a set of shoes on a ride,
when a barefoot horse can complete the same ride with little hoof wear.
I've been very interested to follow everyone's posts on the subject this
time around. I hope that we can keep the dialog open and civil, and try
to learn from each other as much as possible. I think we're all trying to
do the best for our horses, so if we keep respecting that in each other, I
think all discussion can be productive--as long as we remember that we
won't all agree anytime soon! Personally, I like having people challenge
things I write--it helps me think about things more clearly (but don't
take that as an open invitation to flame me, please!). :)
Happy trails,
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