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Re: Foot Pain - Neuroma

Very interesting topic because until a couple months ago, I didn't know
that my foot pain even had a name. (It is called Morton's Neuroma. I
found it while cruising on the internet) I just knew that I had
excruciating pain in one foot and I found myself limping around. I went
to an acupuncturist. He "cured" it and it went away for almost a year
and then it has started to slowly come back. I went to the acupuncturist
again, the old person had left and the new acupuncturist could only
partially help with the pain. I've been dealing with it again for about
a year now and have just been living with the intermittent pain. Some
shoes aggravate the condition even more.

Now, I'm ready to go to a podiatrist.

The pain can get bad while riding and sometimes taking Advil will help.
I had no idea that other horse people also experienced the same thing.
It helps to know that I'm not alone. 

San Juan Capistrano, CA

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