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forgetful? or need a doctor?
Has anyone else ever come with a big bash in their helmet and no idea how it
got there? Man, my helmet has a major puncture and chunk missing and I
cannot for the life of me remember how it happened. I rode to a friends and
was chatting and took the helmet off because I had a headache and I thought
my helmet was too tight (it's a Lidlocker). My friend and I noticed the bash
in the side of my helmet when I took it off. I'm almost certain I would have
noticed that big piece missing if it was like that when I put it on. Now, my
neck is really sore and I still have a headache, but I swear I don't remember
hitting anything with my head. My pupils looks okay and I feel fine
otherwise. Am I a total freak or does this happen to other people?
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