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Re: RC: Re: Re: Re: RE: barefoot on the WRRT
<With all due respect, I have not found this to be true in horses who were left barefoot on the off season, and whose feet were maintained on a regular basis. It is quiet possible to wear pads during the racing season with no ill effects.>
So does this mean that riders (like me)that can and do train all year because of a wonderful climate, need to take the shoes off for part of the year? We have great weather, but our ground is very hard and rocky. Just wondering, in your opinion, if it would be better to give the feet time off, or keep the shoes. I know my mare's feet were worn down to almost nothing when I bought her, because she was left barefoot in her pasture. It's taken a long time to grow them out, get a little heel on her.
Judy in Sunny San Diego
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